Commit Your Way Unto the Lord Trust Also
in Him And He Shall Bring it to
Pass. Psalm 37: 5
Sanctuary Choir
The Sanctuary Choir is under the direction of Jaye Easterwood. We are blessed with our accompanists who are Joann Fisher, Dorcie Youngblood, and Kay Sherbert. The choir rehearses every Sunday from 4:00 - 5:30 p.m. and gathers for Sunday morning preparation at 10:30 a.m. They perform for Sunday Morning Worship and special events upon invitation.
The Sanctuary Choir is open to all who wish to enhance the music in the church, learn music of past and present,and be a leader in the services at FUMC. You don't have to read music to be a part of this ministry, so come sit in a rehearsal and see how much fun we have.
For more information, please contact the church office at (903) 962-3151 or at

Community Bell Ringers
The Handbell Choir is under the direction of Jaye Easterwood. They are usually a 3 octave bell choir, depending on the members. They perform for seasonal worship services, nursing homes, and neighboring churches upon invitation. The bell choir is open for anyone in the community from different denominations or neighboring churches. Even if you don't read music, come join to see what fun it is to be a "Bell Ringer". For more information, please contact the church office at (903) 962-3151 or at

Three Roses and a Thorn Music Group
This quartet comprises of members from the Sanctuary Choir. They perform special music for Sunday Morning Worship and special events upon invitation. To book them and/or more information about them singing at a special event, please contact the music director at